Jie An  |  安捷

Jie An is a Ph.D. student (2020 - now) in Computer Science at University of Rochester, advised by Prof. Jiebo Luo. Prior to that, he obtained the B.S. (2012 - 2016) and M.S. (2016 - 2019) in Applied Mathematics from Peking University, advised by Prof. Jinwen Ma. Jie has been a research intern at Apple, Microsoft Cloud & AI, Meta FAIR, Tencent AI Lab, Baidu Big Data Lab, and Face++.


Jie's research focuses on improving the performance and extending the capability of GenAI models. He is particularly interested in image style transfer, generative model, image/video generation, and multi-modal generation/evaluation.

I am actively seeking opportunities for a full-time Research Scientist position. Please feel free to reach out if you see a good fit.

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OpenLEAF: Open-Domain Interleaved Image-Text Generation and Evaluation
Jie An*, Zhengyuan Yang, Linjie Li, Jianfeng Wang, Kevin Lin, Zicheng Liu, Lijuan Wang, Jiebo Luo
ACM MM (BNI Track) 2024  |  BibTex

We introduce a benchmark dataset, an evaluation pipeline, and a set of baseline models for interleaved image-text generation task.

Bring Metric Functions into Diffusion Models
Jie An, Zhengyuan Yang, Jianfeng Wang, Linjie Li, Zicheng Liu, Lijuan Wang, Jiebo Luo
IJCAI 2024  |  BibTex

We study how to ultilize LPIPS loss in diffusion model training to improve the image generation quality.

Latent-Shift: Latent Diffusion with Temporal Shift for Efficient Text-to-Video Generation
Jie An*, Songyang Zhang*, Harry Yang, Sonal Gupta, Jia-Bin Huang, Jiebo Luo and Xi Yin
Arxiv 2023  |  Project Page  |  BibTex

We propose an efficient text-to-video generation method based on latent diffusion model and temporal shift.

Learning to Evaluate the Artness of AI-generated Images
Junyu Chen, Jie An, Hanjia Lyu, Jiebo Luo
TMM 2024  |  BibTex

We propose a rank-based method to evaluate the artness level of AI-generated artworks.

Holistic Visual-Textual Sentiment Analysis with Prior Models
Junyu Chen, Jie An, Hanjia Lyu and Jiebo Luo
MIPR 2024  |  BibTex

We ultilize multi-modal expert features to assist the sentiment analysis task.

QuantArt: Quantizing Image Style Transfer Towards High Visual Fidelity
Siyu Huang*, Jie An*, Donglai Wei, Jiebo Luo and Hanspeter Pfister
CVPR 2023  |  Code  |  BibTex

QuantArt allows the style transfer model take the reference from the whole artistic picture dataset, leading to improved visual fidelity.

Make-A-Video: Text-to-video Generation Without Text-video Data.
Uriel Singer*, Adam Polyak*, Thomas Hayes*, Xi Yin*, Jie An, Songyang Zhang, Qiyuan Hu, Harry Yang, Oron Ashual, Oran Gafni, Devi Parikh, Sonal Gupta and Yaniv Taigman
ICLR 2023  |  BibTex

We propose a text-to-video generation method based on diffusion model.

Domain-Scalable Unpaired Image Translation via Latent Space Anchoring
Siyu Huang*, Jie An* , Donglai Wei, Zudi Lin, Jiebo Luo and Hanspeter Pfister
TPAMI  |  Code  |  BibTex

We propose a GAN-based multi-domain image translation method that can extend to any unseen domain without the need to train the core backbone.

Is Bigger Always Better? An Empirical Study on Efficient Architectures for Style Transfer and Beyond
Jie An, Tao Li, Haozhi Huang, Jinwen Ma and Jiebo Luo
WACV 2023  |  BibTex

We study whether the big VGG19 architecture is the best backbone for image style transfer and explore its efficient alternatives.

Facial Attribute Transformers for Precise and Robust Makeup Transfer
Zhaoyi Wan, Haoran Chen, Jie An, Wentao Jiang, Cong Yao and Jiebo Luo
WACV 2022  |  BibTex

We propose an new transformer-based method for makeup transfer and removal.

ArtFlow: Unbiased Image Style Transfer via Reversible Neural Flows
Jie An*, Siyu Huang*, Yibing Song, Dejing Dou, Wei Liu and Jiebo Luo
CVPR 2021  |  Code  |  BibTex

We propose an unbiased style transfer method based on neural flows to address the content leak issue in style transfer.

Global Image Sentiment Transfer
Jie An, Tianlang Chen, Songyang Zhang and Jiebo Luo
ICPR 2020  |  BibTex

We propose a method to transfer the global sentiment of images.

Ultrafast photorealistic style transfer via neural architecture search
Jie An*, Haoyi Xiong*, kun Huan and Jiebo Luo
AAAI 2020   (Oral Presentation)  |  Code  |  BibTex

We propose a neural architecture search framework to discover efficient architectures for photo-realistic style transfer.

Pyramid attention network for semantic segmentation
Hanchao Li, Pengfei Xiong, Jie An, and Lingxue Wang
BMVC 2018  |  BibTex

We propose a new network architecture for semantic image segmentation.


[2024/05 - Present] Advisor: Alexander Schwing, Andy (De) Wang, Pengsheng Guo
Microsoft Cloud & AI
[2023/02 - 2024/4] Advisor: Zhengyuan Yang, Jianfeng Wang, Linjie Li, Lijuan Wang, Zicheng Liu
Project: Diffusion model and visual-language generation.
[2022/05 - 2022/12] Advisor: Harry Yang, Xi Yin, Sonal Gupta
Project: Text-to-video generation.
Tencent AI Lab
[2019/07 - 2021/07] Advisor: Yibing Song, Haozhi Huang
Project: Image artistic style transfer.
Baidu Big Data Lab
[2019/01 - 2019/07] Advisor: Haoyi Xiong, Jun (Luke) Huan
Project: Image artistic style transfer.
Megvii (Face++)
[2017/10 - 2018/06] Advisor: Pengfei Xiong
Project: Semantic Segmentation.


Conference Reviewer

  • CVPR 2022 - 2024
  • ICCV 2021, 2023
  • ECCV 2022
  • WACV 2022 - 2024
  • NeurIPS 2024
  • EMNLP 2023
  • ACL 2023
  • ICME 2023
  • ACM MM 2023
  • ACM MM Asia 2021
  • ICASSP 2023

Conference Program Committee Member

  • AAAI 2023 - 2024

Journal Reviewer
